SECOND OPINION: A surgeon’s view of healthcare and policy in India
Anatomy relevant to cholecystectomy
This review discusses anatomical facts that are of relevance to the performance of a safe cholecystectomy. Including newer insights into the role of anatomic illusions as well as the role of a system-based approach to preventing injuries.
Teaching Surgery
Surgery for long has been a male-dominated profession. In recent years, there have been a growing number of women taking up surgery. The two textbooks reviewed in this article appear to perpetuate not only prevalent gender notions but reveal a marked insensitivity as to how women patients should be treated.
The kidney trade again
The Indian kidney bazaar, as it was crudely described at some stage in its history, refuses to die down. The latest expose comes from Mumbai, where a leading doctor from a reputed hospital was arrested for his involvement in a well-organised racket.
Live operative workshops: a critique
SARS: infectious diseases, public health and medical ethics
Capsule endoscopy diagnosis of ileal anglodysplasia
A 59-year-old lady presented with iron-deficiency anemia secondary to occult gastrointestinal bleeding, which had needed multiple transfusions over five years. Bowel resection was performed. The patient continues to be well two months after the surgery without bleeding or drop in hemoglobin.