SECOND OPINION: A surgeon’s view of healthcare and policy in India
Do doctors help increase revenue for hospitals ?
In this video, Dr. Sanjay Nagral speaks about how doctors help increase revenue for hospitals?
A clear reading of the Ayurveda surgery move
India needs its Ayurveda graduates, including surgeons, to improve the common man’s access to decent health care
The National Medical Commission: A Renaming or Transformation?
Medical education in India has been beset so far by scandal. Can the new National Medical Commission reform education and regulation to enable better healthcare?
Doctors and patients deserve better
Violence against doctors is a symptom and not the disease. Structural and policy changes in India’s hospitals, and not increased security, may help in controlling it
Ascension - 2019 Day 1 | Dr. Kavery Nambisan in conversation with Dr. Sanjay Nagral
Dr. Sanjay Nagral ‐ A surgeon cum novelist whose career in medicine has been a strong influence in her fiction.
Beyond temporary relief
The challenge for Ayushman Bharat will be to spur systemic change in healthcare.
Ways of dying
A perspective on one of modern medicine's great conundrums: Is dying an event or a process? Does everyone die in the same way, or are there different ways of dying? Truly a subject of profound and perennial philosophical and religious enquiry.
Healers Or Predators?
This hard-hitting volume shows a mirror to society and, more specifically, to those associated with the health sector on how healers, in many cases, are shifting shape to becoming predators