A study of events between the onset of symptoms and hospital admission in patients with acute abdomen
Shubhada Khanapure, Sanjay Nagral, Aditya J Nanavati
2017, NMJI
Background. Acute abdomen is a common surgical emergency. Prompt investigation and treatment, including surgical intervention, is critical in reducing morbidity and mortality.
Methods. We carried out a prospective observational study at a large urban secondary healthcare centre in India. Patients with surgical acute abdomen were consecutively enrolled in the study over a period of 2 years. Data were collected regarding the onset of symptoms, time of presentation to the hospital and events in the intervening period.
Results. Analysis showed that misdiagnosis by medical personnel was significantly associated with delay in admission to the hospital. Unfamiliarity with the medical facilities, ignorance, low education and illiteracy and public holiday were the contributing factors for delayed presentation. Even though we detected some trends, the delay was not significantly associated with age, sex, educational level or socioeconomic status of the patient. The delay resulted in an increased mortality and morbidity especially in patients who needed emergency operative management.
Conclusion. Delayed presentation of acute abdomen is often not due to a single reason. The causes are distributed over various levels starting from the patient, family, medical personnel, administrative deficiencies, socioeconomic and sociocultural status of the country.
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